You know those books we loved to read as kids where you got to choose your own adventure? Well, What Should Danny Do? by Ganit & Adir Levy is an updated version of those stories with a very important concept- the power to choose!
Danny is the main character who readers are helping make decisions. He is a superhero in training, which is why he has a special cape. This is such a fun idea for young readers to attach to- who doesn’t want to be a superhero??
Many times when we ask young readers what they SHOULD be doing, the answer is very different than what they actually do when faced with a similar situation. This story encourages readers to explore all the different options- even if they know it is a wrong choice, they can still see what happens to Danny by making that choice. It helps readers really see how your day can end up taking a turn for the worse, or for the better, from one small decision. The more practice readers get with using their power to choose, the better decisions they will make when faced with making their own choices! Getting to help Danny through a variety of scenarios is the perfect way to get readers to understand the power to choose.
The various stories and illustrations are so engaging for young readers. The decisions they are required to make for Danny are ones that they likely face on a regular basis! This book gets readers talking and leads to great discussions all about making decisions. It can be read frequently in the classroom or at home, allowing different readers to make the decision each time. Readers will cringe at some choices and cheer with delight at others!
The book includes symbols (as seen in the bottom right with the yellow arrow) and a guide explaining what the various symbols mean: turn to the next page, return to where you started to make your choice, reaching an ending, etc. It is so kid-friendly, encouraging them to just keep on reading and making choices. I love that readers can change their mind many times to see what Danny does in different situations. This book truly encourages readers to realize the powerf of their day to day decisions, which we all know is so important for our readers to realize from an early age. Readers will love having the opportunity to change their mind (making good or not so good) decisions to see how Danny’s day is altered.