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Fall Word Work FREE Downloads

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Fall is the first opportunity that teachers have to bring some seasonal activities into the classroom! Seasonal tasks are an effective way to keep your students engaged in skills that they need, even when they feel excited about holidays! Today, I have two FREE downloads to share with you, and both are great for fall word work! The first gets your students building and reading CVC words, and the second targets beginning sounds! Both are fun, seasonal, and aligned to skills your students need!

Fall word work

Fall Word Work Center

This Fall word-building activity is a great literacy center for September-November. It’s simple to prep, and easy enough for students to use independently!

How to Use

  1. Print the CVC word Mat

2. Print the word cards. Cut and laminate for durability. This will allow you to use the same activity year after year! There are 24 cards included in this freebie, each with a different CVC word printed on it.

3. Print the letters on the leaf cards and cut.

4. Students will pull a word card. Then, they will go through the leaves to find the letters they need to build the word. After building the word they can read it, write it on a whiteboard, or do any other word work tasks you want them to do.

Fall Word Work

Halloween Beginning Sounds

In the month of October, students are highly-engaged by Halloween-themed activities! This free Halloween center keeps students working reading skills, while working in some seasonal fun!

How to Use

  1. Print the recording sheet.

2. Print the picture cards and alphabet bats. Laminate and cut!

3. Students will pull a picture card and say the word aloud. They will use phonemic awareness skills to identify the beginning sound.

4. After saying the beginning sound, they will find the bat with the matching letter. Students will continue sorting cards by beginning sound until all picture cards have been used.

5. Students write the beginning sounds of Halloween words on the recording sheet!

Happy teaching, everyone!

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Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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