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Spring I Am a Reader!

Spring is here, and so is a new ‘I Am a Reader’ set! I shared about the inside look of I Am a Reader in the winter. You can take a look at that post HERE.

Today, I want to share with you three different ways to use I Am a Reader passage sets with your students! The purpose of I Am a Reader is to encourage your early or struggling readers to believe they are readers, no matter what! The confidence boost, along with the scaffolding you find in this resource makes it the perfect digital assignment in the K-2 classroom, or within a remediation group! 

Google Classroom

One of the first ways I recommend using this product is to assign it via Google Classroom to individual groups! These passages make a great small group reading lesson. Assigning it through Google Classroom means you can teach it virtually, if your school is not face-to-face. Or, you can have students bring devices to your small group table so they can engage with the slides! You can use their independent reading time to take a quick running record. 


Whole Group Reading Warm-Up

Another way to use ‘I Am a Reader’ in your classroom is to project the slides and do one of the passage whole group! Getting your entire class to chant ‘I am ready to read!” is a great warm up for your reading block! If you teach in the primary grades, and your entire class is learning to read together, doing this as part of your lesson will engage everyone and make for a fun pre-reading activity! 


Independent Work

Because these passage are broken down into short texts, with simple, quick comprehension and word work tasks, students can complete them independently if you feel that they are ready! You can assign these for morning work, seat work, or whatever works in your classroom. 


If you want to try the Spring ‘I Am a Reader’ passages for yourself, check out the listing on TPT! You can also try these passages out with a FREE SAMPLE. The sample will show you the overall structure that each of the themed sets follows! 

Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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