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K-2 Printable Lunar New Year Worksheets

It’s helpful to have these K-2 printable Lunar New Year worksheets on hand to use each year as Lunar New Year is celebrated. Each printable worksheet is a great way to teach students about the yearly spring festival. Young children benefit from learning about other cultures and their celebrations. Whether you have students in your class who celebrate Lunar New Year or not, these Lunar New Year worksheets are a fun way to be exposed to other new year traditions. Your Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students will be immersed in different cultures from Asian countries when reading these comprehension passages. 

K-2 Lunar New Year Worksheets

If you’re discussing Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year with your students, you’re most likely reading other books about Chinese culture or other Asian countries. The Lunar New Year printables are a great activity to use to accompany your lessons on Lunar New Year. Students can compare what they’re learning about Chinese New Year activities and Chinese New Year celebrations to the topics included in these Lunar New Year worksheets. Students may find out that Lunar New Year is celebrated in the same or different ways in the United States compared to other countries. There will be many fun facts learned while your readers read about Asian cultures celebrating Lunar New Year in these festive printables. 

Topics included in the printable Lunar New Year worksheets:

  • good fortune 
  • red envelope
  • red paper
  • lion dance
  • dragon dance
  • dragon puppet
  • family members
  • Chinese banners
  • Chinese lanterns
  • lantern festival 
  • good luck
  • bad luck

Having students read texts themselves is so important! That is why I write these informational text passages for Kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade. Students will find some content specific vocabulary that may be new to them, but otherwise they should be able to use their phonetic knowledge and decoding skills to read each text. These Lunar New Year worksheets give your students a chance to grow more confident as readers while also learning new facts!


Using the Lunar New Year Worksheets

Whenever I create resources I try to make them very usable. These Lunar New Year worksheets are very simple to use. You’ll print out the passages, make copies, and have them ready for your readers. 

The steps students will follow:
  1. Students will read the comprehension passage.
  2. Students will respond to the comprehension questions by writing and/or drawing their responses. 
  3. As a follow up, students can highlight where they found their answers in the texts.
  4. Students can also color the pictures included with each passage.


I’ve also made it easy for you to quickly review these for accurate answers with the inclusion of answer keys to check comprehension question responses. One final thing you can do is lead a discussion to find out what students learned about Lunar New Year from reading these informational text passages.

If you’re wondering where these can best be used in your classroom, you have a few options! 

These passages work well in:
  • Small groups
  • Independent reading
  • Send home for reading practice

These K-2 printable Lunar New Year Worksheets are a great addition to your lesson plans for the week of Lunar New Year celebrations. You’ll also be able to use them year after year as the passages don’t specify year of the dragon or year of the snake, for example, which changes based on the lunar calendar each year. Instead, you’ll have passages you just need to copy each year when Lunar New Year celebrations occur. Grab the printable packs for Kindergarten1st Grade, or 2nd Grade!

More K-2 Printable Activities

If you’re looking for more K-2 reading passages, you’ll want to grab my free printables! These free K-2 reading passages include comprehension questions, so you can further work on comprehension skills with your readers.

You may also be looking for more reading comprehension passages similar to the Lunar New Year worksheets. You can read all about my Kindergarten and 1st Grade 100th Day of School Worksheets! These will fit in well when you celebrate the 100 days of school with your students. Since they follow the same format as the Lunar New Year worksheets, your students will know what to do as soon as they see these.

As always, I hope all these passages help your students become more confident and more capable readers!

Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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