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Tune into Technology Linky: Integrating Technology into Reading

We are so excited to host our very first linky with Kristin over at iTeach1:1– Tune into Technology! Our hope is that you will also link up with us to share technology ideas with everyone.  Please just grab our linky image (with a link back to this post) and link up below. If you aren’t a blogger, please feel free to leave a comment on this post sharing your ideas for the classroom too!

This week’s theme is Integrating Technology into Reading. We are going to focus on Daily 5 since that is how we set up our reading block.

Read to Self:

During “read to self” my kids have a choice to read from book baskets and/or to use their Raz-Kids account on their laptops. Our district has an account to Raz-Kids. It has been a wonderful edition to our reading block. My kids love reading from their Raz-Kids accounts. I also love when they choose this because there are so many wonderful features on this program.  When a child reads to self using Raz-Kids I can see which stories they are reading, I can make sure that students are only reading books at their independent reading level, students can record themselves reading, and there is a comprehension piece which is also wonderful.

This student is listening to his recording of a book on Raz-Kids.  
Read to Someone:

Read to someone is the one part of daily five that I have a tendency not to do each and every day. In first grade when we do read to someone students get easily distracted and off topic.  I am hoping next year if I slow down the “building stamina” part of our read to someone I will have more success with it!

Anyways, when we do read to someone I will sometimes have students read into Garageband together as a reward to my partners who are working really hard.  Students will take turns reading pages or reading their story together.  I love it because it promotes fluency as they listen to themselves and often  record and rerecord themselves many times.  Students like it because they enjoy listening to their voices!

Word Work:

Our little friends are still learning to read which means our word work time is very important so that they can develop their skills as readers. I love using the free ABC Magnetic Alphabet Lite app on the iPads for word work. I use this app practically everyday in a word work center or during the word work practice of my guided reading groups.  

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I say a word that fits our word focus of the week (words in the -an family, silent e words, words with -ing ending, etc.) and then they find that letters to make the word and pull those letters up on the screen.  After we have made a few words, I say one of the words and then my little friends “send it back home” by swiping the letters of that word back down to the bottom.  I also use this same activity with my little kinder friends but they are identifying letters instead of making words. If you aren’t doing this in a teacher guided center, you can instead have one student be the teacher while their partner is working on the iPad. One student can be the teacher by reading a word from a list and then the other partner needs to make the word on the iPad, using this app. Then the students switch roles so everyone gets a chance to use the iPad and practice their words!

Meet with the Teacher:

We know that “Listen to Reading” is another Daily 5 center, but since students are able to listen to reading during their Read to Self time on Raz Kids, we are focusing on our ‘meeting with the teacher’ time instead as that is a major portion of our daily reading blocks! Similar to Raz-Kids, I use our Reading A-Z subscription to find great books that cover a variety of word work skills we are working on that my little friends can then read on the iPads or Macbooks.

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I find books that are at my students’ instructional reading level and then save them as PDF’s in my Dropbox account which I can then use to open on each iPad or through uploading them to our website server where students can access them.  Check out this post here for more information on how I do this! I use these stories during our guided reading groups where I can easily assist students with their reading. My little friends love the stories that Reading A-Z has to offer and so do I because they really help my little friends be successful readers.

Work on Writing:

Writing is such an important component to incorporate into a daily reading block.  Writing activities give my little friends the chance to show me their application of whatever skills we have been practicing. My favorite tech idea for writing centers is a website called Storybird where students can create their own stories with their choice of illustrations.

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You can set up a free teacher account where you can then create separate logins for each of your students. Students each will have their own account and can log in to their creations each time. 
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Once students login, they can select “create” and then choose their set of illustrations that they wish to use- there are a large variety of artists/illustrations to choose from, so you may have some students always choose the same artwork while others choose different ones each time. Your students can then add pictures and text to the stories they create. My little friends generally describe the picture for their stories, but eventually they start creating real stories the more we work on narratives. I imagine older students would develop more of a story!
Here are some examples:
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I love Storybird for the ridiculously cute illustrations and how simple it is for my little friends to use it. Also, since there are SO many fun illustrations to choose from, my little friends never get sick of their “work on writing” time when we use Storybird!

We hope you found something new to try out in your classroom.  Please link up any ideas you have for technology & reading! We are so excited to read your tech ideas for reading! (And see you next Thursday for our focus on Integrating Technology into Math.)

Have a great day!
Amanda & Aylin

Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

13 Responses

  1. Love this linky and pinned it! I love Storybird but for some reason I've never used it with my kids. Our sp ed department has a Reading A-Z subscription and they give us the password so we can access the materials, but when I try to use RAZ kids, it looks like only so many kids (so the sp ed kids) can be registered in the account…does that seem right? Is that a per kid subscription cost?

    Literacy Spark

  2. OMG! Look at all of this technology!

    Ugh, I fear I will not be able to link up much. Technology is my weakness since we have hardly any options at our school. I am going to wrack my brain so I can link up at some point. If nothing else, I'll be reading all of these posts so when I set up my Donor's Choose soon I'll be totally ready!

    Love you girls!
    Collaboration Cuties

  3. I love RAZ-Kids! We also use this in our school! It's another great way for students to have exposure of literature at their "just right" reading level! I really like being able to give students choice to choose a book that they are interested in. We have used this website during listening station or read-to-self. I also encourage students to choose books from RAZ-Kids to read at home! I do find it much more difficult to get parents involved to use this resource at home…Do you have any tips? Just linked up to this awesome linky!!

    Table Talk with C & C

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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