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Tuesday Tried It: Sight Words Ideas and Organization Bin

I don’t know about you, but I just have SO many materials/resources to teach the same concepts: word families, phonemic awareness, CVC words, sight words, etc.  As this school year was winding down, I decided I needed to get all my materials together based on the topic so that I could easily choose from that one spot for lesson planning, activities, etc. So, today I have an organization idea that I began recently and will really try using in the fall. I’m linking up with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried It Tuesday and Fun in Room 4B & Ladybug’s Teacher Files for Optimum Organization.

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Now, this is nothing brilliant, but just another simple organization idea that I think will really help me in regard to not only using a variety of tools to teach the same thing for extra practice (which my little friends surely need) but also a way to hopefully help me actually use all my materials! I grabbed one of my bins that I used in my classroom for something else and turned it into my Sight Word Bin.  
So…here is my Sight Word Bin: Yay-everything is together!

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And, here are some of the items in my Sight Word Bin:
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Lots and lots of different sight word cards that I use for daily review and games.  I use the Dolch Pre Primer and Primer Words with my little friends so all of these words are from those lists. I do sight word Go Fish, Oops- where they pick a card from the container, read it and then if they pick the “oops” card all the sight word cards go back in the container- very fun and great way to review words! We even do sight word memory where they are looking for matching words. It always surprises me how much of a challenging game this can be for my little friends, but they get better as the year goes on. 🙂

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Word Wall Chains- my little friends LOVE making word wall chains. These are so much fun to do and an easy center to include in your rotation.  My students choose a few words from the word wall (usually we’ll do 10 words at a time) and they write each word on a piece of paper that I’ve previously cut for them and then we either tape each piece together in a linking format or I’ll staple each one (this usually is the fastest method).  They then take their word wall chain to the carpet and practice reading each word on their chain and then exchange with a partner to practice reading their words as well. 

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Words of the Week- on Monday morning, each student gets to pick a word from this container and we hang it in the pocket chart on our board. We then review these specific words very quickly at the beginning of each day. My little friends will either get to be the “sight word pointer” where we all just practice reading the words, i’ll give them clues and they have to tell which word i’m thinking of, we’ll put them in ABC order, say words that rhyme, use them in a sentence, etc. I love beginning each day this way because it is a great review and a quick assessment for me to see who still isn’t getting these words.  All the words in my “Words of the Week” container are from our Dolch Pre Primer or Primer list and I place specific ones in the orange container that I know my little friends need to practice.  (I keep them all in the little white bag.)
This is where my Sight Word Bin sits for quick access for me (along with other daily materials- Phonemic Awareness bin, Guided Reading drawers, QR Code task cards, etc.):
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Not every last little thing I use for sight words fits in here, but lots of materials do and this way I have it all right next to each other in one spot! So, if you are like me and have tons of items to teach one concept, I recommend putting everything together in one bin where you can easily grab your choice of material for the day!

Hosting our 1st Linky!
We are super excited to be hosting our 1st linky with our best bloggin’ buddy Kristin over at iTeach1:1!  Every Thursday for the next few weeks, we will be hosting a ‘Tune into Technology’ linky. We will have a different theme for each week (listed below on the button) and we hope you will link up your own technology ideas to join in on our tech fun!


Thanks to Ashley Hughes & Megan Favre for their cute graphics! 
Have a great day!
Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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