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Spark Student Motivation: Mr. Frog

I love reading motivation ideas over at Head Over Heels for Teaching’s Spark Student Motivation Saturdays. So, today I am linking up with a simple idea that has really motivated my little friends in my classroom the past few years. This motivation tip is something that is very simple to add to any classroom, all you need is a stuffed animal! I use a large stuffed animal, Mr. Frog, as a way to get my little friends excited about reading. 
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I introduce Mr. Frog to my little friends the very first time they come into our classroom. Mr. Frog is our friend who sits on top of my bookshelf and “watches” us as we learn and practice reading and writing. I tell my little friends that he is watching what we are doing and will come down and give a high five to any little friend he sees doing a really great job reading and writing.  This gets my little friends SO excited because evidently being able to give that giant Mr. Frog a high five is a very special thing because it means you are being recognized for working hard! Sometimes Mr. Frog even comes off the shelf just to sit and watch us read up close…which they love.  I bring down Mr. Frog occasionally- maybe once a week or every other week if I forget…but it really is a great way to get your little friends excited about whatever it is you want them to be excited about in your room– just a little added motivation! 
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I used to keep Mr. Frog down on the ground by us, but quickly realized that he was WAY too big of a distraction and every little friend was constantly giving Mr. Frog hugs/high fives, so instead he moved on up in the world to the top of my bookshelf. 🙂  I highly recommend getting a version of “Mr. Frog” for your classroom for a little added motivation because let me tell you, we LOVE Mr. Frog in our room!
Have a great day!
Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

0 Responses

  1. My daughter's first grade teacher uses her "No David!" doll in the same way. My daughter was having difficulty paying attention during test review, so David sits in her lap, and she has to whisper the answer in his teeny tiny ears. She and David take the test together (she even puts his name on the test beside hers). David also can sit with the students if they get right on task with their Morning Work. I absolutely love it! 🙂

    Surviving Sixth Grade

  2. Hi Aylin! I could not love this idea more! What a great way to motivate students to work hard, especially during Independent Reading which can sometimes be a challenge. And, Mr. Frog would be perfect for my classroom since it is frog themed! Thank you so much for this awesome idea!

  3. I love "no david" (as do my students) and can totally see the doll being super motivating for my little friends, just like it helped your daughter! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. Hi Tess,
    Oh so fun that Mr. Frog would fit so perfectly in your classroom too! And yes, he definitely is a big motivator during independent reading…I'll try anything to get my little friends focused in on their books. 🙂
    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. This is such a cute idea. I teach third grade high ability so I am not sure if they would find this cheesy but I will surely share this with my K and 1 friends!

    I am a new blogger and follower! Love these ideas!
    Teachin' H.A.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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