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Word of the Day with QR Codes Excitement (and a freebie)!

I have to say that Friday’s over the summer are still exciting, but not nearly as exciting as Friday’s during the school year!  Although today I’m super excited to share my QR Codes: Word of the Day pack and freebie with you! I’m linking up with TBA for their Freebie Friday. 🙂

Freebie Fridays

Since I see my groups for 30 minutes each day, I like to have a similar setup/flow each day because my little friends really need as much consistency as they can get…and it makes my life easier too. 🙂 I like to have several shorter activities to help them practice skills, learn new ones and I try to include a little evaluation mixed in there too. One mini activity I started doing daily is our QR Codes Word of the Day cards. I created these Word of the Day cards and began using them probably the last month or so of school this past year and I love the way they turned out. This mini activity was very engaging for my little friends and I am so very excited to start using them right away at the beginning of the school year. My little friends really loved this and I hope yours do too!
So this is the way it works–my freebie version is slightly different than my paid pack, so I’ll show you that one first! The freebie version is a great way to sample the Word of the Day with your students.  There are two different versions within the freebie for you to check out.  The first version has one QR code that you/your students can scan which will tell you the word of the day.  After scanning that word, your students can answer the questions that surround the QR code all related to that word of the day (What is the beginning sound?, What is a rhyming word?, etc).  I recommend writing down each answer so students can see the responses to each question, as you can see in the pics below. 

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Here it is in action!
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A little friend scanning the Word of the Day!

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All our answers to the question based on the Word of the Day: sun.

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Just a little close up. 🙂

The second version included in the freebie has several QR codes.  The top four QR codes give clues to the students that will help them figure out the word of the day.  Each QR code has a different question above it, such as: How many letters are in the word? What is the beginning sound? etc. The fifth QR code at the bottom has the actual word of the day so they can scan that at the end to check if they guessed the right word. I recommend writing down all the information you are gaining from each QR code clue so that students can start making guesses based on those clues like I showed in the pics below. After using all the clues to guess the word, we scan the last QR code to make sure we were right and then we go back and make sure all our answers made sense to review the questions. 

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Scanning our first clue!

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Our clues so far provided us with the fact that the word was 3 letters and started with f. 

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We have all our answers to our clues, now we can guess our word!

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Scanning to see if our answer was right!

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We got the Word of the Day: fan!

I found that these make for a great quick assessment tool as you can also have each student write down their answers on whiteboards/iPads and you can quickly scan the room as the activity continues. It’ll give you an idea of who knows beginnging and end sounds, etc.  You can download the freebie here

The full pack follows the same concept just in a slightly different format…that used less paper. 🙂 There are a few different versions included in this pack just for some variety. I included 24 CVC words and 24 CVCe words for later in the year. The best part is that through this little 5 minute activity you can be practicing a whole lot of the Common Core Foundational Skills Standards for Kdg and 1st which makes me happy since this is such a fun activity! 

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Basically for this set, there is one questions page which has all the same questions: what is the beginning sound, final sound, rhyming word, etc. that you use repeatedly for all the QR code cards that come with it. Each day you or your students can scan one of the QR code cards to find out the word of the day and then answer all the questions on the question page about the word of the day. I, again, recommend writing the answers to each question so your little friends can make the visual connection too! There is a CVC set of these and a CVCe set of these.

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The other version included in this pack includes four different cards for one day. Students will scan each card and read the clue- they will then use those answers to guess the word of the day which they scan on the fourth card. Again, there are both CVC and CVCe versions of this kind! I had my little friends do these on their own after we had done several together and they wrote their answers on the iPads, which they loved!

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Here’s all the pieces together…I keep the task cards on binder rings so I can easily just flip over the card when I’ve used it and then I have the new one ready for the next day! Each set of cards (CVC/CVCe words) has a little header page to keep at the front of the binder ring pack so I know exactly what is in there.

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I’m excited to see how much my little friends remember from their last year of school when we use these right at the beginning of the school year this time! These may just turn out to be great practice cards for all those important ideas like letter sounds and rhyming words.  You can check out this pack here
Have a great day!
Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

4 Responses

  1. Thanks so much for the freebie! I will be excited to start the year using these too! Guess I will have to teach them how to use the ipad scan option right away. Do you have any certain way you teach your students how to do this? Keep me posted if you add more throughout the year! Thanks, Jackie
    [email protected]

  2. Love this! I've been wanting to use QR codes in my classroom and this has given me an idea, as I teach 3rd so cvc words wouldn't really work but I'm thinking of using it with vocabulary. Thanks!

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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