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Silent e Words Activities

Students can improve their reading of silent e words with frequently doing silent e words activities. While, there are a variety of reasons that words have silent e at the end, today I’m focusing on the concept that the vowel earlier in the word changes to the long vowel sound. Read on for silent e words activities to use with your readers today!

Silent E Words Identification

silent e words activities

First you’ll want to make note of silent e, in words. Make it obvious to students the similarities in all of the words ending in silent e. Use whatever symbols make sense to you and your students, but be consistent. 

In the above notebook, I drew lines under the vowels and an arrow going from the letter e to the prior vowel. This visually shows readers what is happening with the silent e words.

You can have students then repeat this on their own board, or notebook. This gives them a chance to visually identify silent e in words, as well. 

I also included a word that doesn’t have silent e, but has a vowel team. The purpose of this is so that readers can see the difference from the silent e word symbols.

After writing these words and showing they all end with silent e, then have readers actually read each word, one at a time. 

If they first say the short vowel sound for the first vowel, point to the silent e and remind them that they need to ‘switch the sound’ to a long vowel.

Repeat this until they have a strong understanding of silent e.

Silent E words Sorting

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Word sorts are a great way to help students practice what they’ve been learning. You can use letter tiles, write on white boards, or use notebooks. The overall purpose is to have readers actually practice making the words.

Here is a simple silent e words sort you can do often:
  1. State a word.
  2. Have students make the word. (Remind them about silent e, if needed!)
  3. Once you have a few words done, have students sort the words where they are matching up the long vowel sound.
  4. Students can then read through their sorted words quickly, focusing on just changing the consonant sounds, as they read. 
Check out this blog post for some more silent e words activities!

Silent E Words In Context

silent e words activities

I always follow up isolated word work practice with practicing the same concepts, in context. 

My long vowels with silent e passage are the perfect passages to use as a follow up to the silent e words activities listed above.

Readers will focus on reading silent e words within the texts, on repeat! This helps them improve their reading of silent e words.

You can check out my long vowels with silent e phonics passages here!

If you’d like to read more about these passages and find a few more silent e words activities, read this blog post here!

Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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