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We love our rhyming bag!

Rhyming is a huge indicator in early reading success.  If students struggle with rhyming, they often times have difficulty with reading in general. So, since this is the case, I try to incorporate rhyming activities into my lowest reading groups quite often. One of my little friends’ favorite activities is our Rhyming Bag game. I did not invent this activity- I found it in a Mailbox magazine (does anyone still get those??) several years ago and it’s one of those amazing activities that I still use year after year.

It’s super simple to set up and can last anywhere from just a few minutes to a full on 15-20 minute activity if you want! All you need is a bag and some objects and you are ready to go.  Simply write the poem below on your whiteboard/chart paper and get ready for some rhyme time fun!


And some more directions…

I hope your little friends love this activity as much as mine do– literally every kid always asks when we get to do our rhyming bag again after the first time I introduce it. 🙂 Little do they know they, they are big time working on rhymes all the way through the game- both when singing the poem and picking an object! Mine tend to get very excited during this activity and by the end every child is singing (more like yelling) the words to the poem. 
One other rhyming activity I use as a follow up to practice on their own is my QR code task cards- my little friends love these as well! You can check these task cards out here
Thanks to Teaching Super Power and Jen Jones for the graphics and fonts!
Have a great day!


Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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