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Five for Friday!

This week was busy! Here’s what we were up to:

1. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! I don’t know about you, but I sure did a whole lot of yummy eating this week with all the treats in our school…made for a great week. 🙂

2. It also was quite the amazing week because it was actually 80 degrees here this week- woohoo- made it feel like summer really is right around the corner!

3. We’ve been having some fun with Words Their Way in our classroom. My little friends LOVE when we pull out their personal pocket charts each week for extra practice sorting the words.  Somehow they seem to always do so well on the sorts on the day I pull these out…I mean who doesn’t love pocket charts? (It’s also a major bonus that they only cost $1 from Target- I’m pretty sure I have nearly an entire class set of these- I couldn’t stop buying them when I saw them a few summers ago!)

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4. Well, since the end of the year is very near, we also did some close reading with my end of the year passages.

I like to discuss any observations we notice from the text on Day 1 to ensure overall understanding from both the pictures and text itself.

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For this story, we then went into a deeper vocabulary discussion on Day 2 to make sure we understood the difficult words in the text.  We also marked up the text with wikki stix to find our evidence within the text– my little friends just love those sticky little stix! 🙂

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 And of course filled out some graphic organizers to show our thinking on Day 2 & 3!

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Here’s a peek at a few other passages we responded to as well…I just adore their pictures- too cute! 
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You can check out more about this pack by clicking the pic below or right here. You can also learn more specifics about how I do close reading with my kindergartners and 1st graders from my previous post here!

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5. And now officially begins end of the year testing season for me…F&P test kits are out and I’m excited to see all the progress my little friends have made.

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Have a great weekend!


Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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