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A Technology Blog Hop

Spring into Technology with Classroom Freebies!
Several phenomenal teachers, Technology Tailgate Coaches and bloggers are joining forces for an amazing classroom technology blog hop!  As you hop from blog to blog, you will visit some of your favorite blogs and discover a few new blogs too!  Each with a fabulous freebie just for you!
Thank you for hopping over!

We are so excited to take part in a fun blog hop! As you may already know, we work in a school where we have 1:1 macbooks and/or iPads.  This has been our first full school year with all this technology and we have had a wonderful time trying new tech ideas out with our students.  Their engagement when technology is involved has been amazing! One of the technology ideas that we have been using repeatedly in our classrooms are QR codes.  We have used them in math, reading and themed units and the students just CANNOT get enough of them…so therefore of course, neither can we! So our freebies for you today are both QR code activities that we are hoping you will be able to use in your classrooms as well. All you really need is one iPad, iPod or some sort of device that allows you to scan a QR code. Please click the pics below to download the freebies from google docs and…happy scanning! 🙂

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Screen+Shot+2013 04 09+at+8.55.00+AM
Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting!  If you are new to my blog and liked what you see, don’t forget to follow us!  The next stop on the path is Nikki from An Uncommon to the Core Teacher

Uncommon to the Core

In case you didn’t start from the beginning, here is an ordered list of all participating blogs!
Kristin from iTeach 1:1
Leah from Learn With Leah
Amanda and Aylin from Learning to the Core
Kristen at Teacher Playground
Melanie at I Luv Twek
Carrie and Caitlin at Table Talk with C & C
Lauren at iWonder
A special thank you to Jen at Tech with Jen for designing the blog hop button!
Interested in joining our next blog hop?  Join here

Have a great day!
Amanda & Aylin
Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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