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Tune into Technology Linky: iPads

Woohoo- it’s Thursday and time again for our Tune into Technology linky! This week’s topic is iPads, so please come join us and link up ways you use iPads in your classroom.  We are so excited to read your ideas!
I am very lucky to have a set of 4 iPads for my small reading groups.  My groups tend to be 3-4 students, so I’ve been very lucky to have a 1:1 ratio with our iPads…and as a result we use them everyday in our reading groups. I use iPads for word work, reading response activities and for creating things with apps. Now, this post could go on forever, so I tried to pick the apps that I use most often with my little friends and for a variety of reasons!
First up…word work: I say a word or letter, my little friends write it and then we’ll go back and reread our letters/words. ABC-Magnetic Alphabet Lite and ShowMe are my two favorite apps for this (both free!).
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Reading Response Activities: I use the iPad as a way for students to respond to their reading as well as a way to practice reading strategies we have learned.  In the pics below, my little friends are working in ShowMe on drawing their visualizations while I read them a story.

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Here my little friends are drawing answers to their “questions” we came up with while reading our stories. These were done in another free app, Screenchomp.

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My little friends are completing their graphic organizer on the iPads showing the characters and setting of the story. They are also working on their Vocabulary Superheroes on the iPads. We use both ShowMe and ScreenChomp daily for reading response activities because they can record their voices explaining what they are creating.

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QR codes- Here my little friends are working on creating CVC words and identifying the middle vowel sound with QR codes!

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Writing: We use the Popplet app regularly for brainstorming our ideas before writing in our journals. My little friends draw pictures, label the pictures or write sentences in this app– check out this post for more specifics!

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Math:  My first graders love using their ipads for QR Codes, Application and we also did some centers using the camera feature on the iPad.

Here one of my little friends wrote, in a dry-erase marker, his answer on our laminated task card then will scan to check to check and see if he is correct.

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This center students were asked to take a addition flash card from the pile, make the addition fact using unifix cubes and finally to take a picture of it using the camera on the iPad.  Eventually I uploaded their pictures and created a PowerPoint Presentation with their math facts.  If we had extra time before lunch I would play it as students said the facts.  Next, year I am hoping to take this project one step further and let students add voice to to their slides.  
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Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

7 Responses

  1. Next year I will have a center set of iPads in the 4th grade, and am looking forward to using them effectively with my kiddos. One program I am super excited to use is Padlet, which is a virtual post-it note board. I will post a question (higher-order thinking) for students to answer while working in their center. I love that students can see what other students are posting because this helps struggling students build confidence and and learn at the same time.

    Here is a great overview of Padlet by Caitlin Tucker:

    Padlet Overview

    BrainPop is a FABULOUS learning tool for students because it introduces a concept in a fun and engaging way. I will also be using the Spelling City app for vocabulary and spelling reinforcement.

    Thanks for this helpful Linky.

    The Curious Apple

  2. That is so excited that you will have a set of iPads for centers! I've heard of Padlet but never used it so I hope you post about how it goes in your classroom this year! And yes, BrainPop is such a great tool! Thanks so much for all your great ideas!

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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