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Winter Break is almost over…

Well here I am again ready to share my Five for Friday– can’t quite believe it really is nearing the very end of winter break though!

1. I’m going to start off with school stuff to help my mind realize I have to wake up early Monday morning… In the month of December I noticed how much more little friends were struggling with identifying b’s vs d’s- as in, each time I would assess them with running records, they kept making errors on b/d words and would get points off when if they just knew b vs d they would’ve been doing just fine decoding the words. So, I created and started using activities to help them identify b vs d. I’m looking forward to starting this up again next week as extra practice since i’m guessing they may have forgotten a little bit over break. 🙂 This pack is full of literacy centers that provide students with the chance to practice identifying b’s vs d’s alone, in words, in sentences, etc! You can check out this B&D Pack here!

Practicing reading b vs d words with our Fluency Strips:
IMG 2957
IMG 2983

Sorting sentences with b and d words:
IMG 2987

 Reading and writing in our Letter B and D Books:
IMG 2992

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Sorting b’s and d’s:
IMG 2959

Sorting b and d words: 
IMG 2961

Sorting picture cards by b and d:
IMG 2962

Matching picture and word cards: 
IMG 2965
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2.  When we get back from break, my little friends will be sharing something they did using extra details about who, where, when, etc by completing this graphic organizer. This is a freebie I posted last year, but it still works perfectly for this year…you can download this freebie here!

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3. Some winter break fun: we got lots of snow here in the Chicago area which meant my hubby and I could pull out our snowshoes! Whew- it sure is a good workout!

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4. I actually read one and a half books so far this break! I started the Divergent series and will hopefully finish the 2nd one before this break is officially over! And then we’ll see when I finish the 3rd one, but I’m thinking once I sit down with it, i’ll move right through it like I have with these other two. These are definitely worth the quick read!

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5. Why do breaks also go by so quickly?? I’m so thankful we as teachers have these extended breaks… I certainly enjoyed mine, but as always, would not mind one more day! Hope you all have a great start back to school!

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Have a great day!



Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

9 Responses

  1. Thanks so much, Tara! I go a little overboard with taking pictures and am never sure if people really like to see as many pictures as I do, so I appreciate your comment a whole lot. 🙂

  2. Your "b" and "d" unit looks great! I know my little first grader at home still mixes them up at times!:) Don't you love the Divergent series? I read the first two awhile back and am reading the third one now (about halfway through…I hope the end isn't disappointing!) 🙂
    Fourth Grade Flipper

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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