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Compare & Contrast: Good Night Goon & Good Night iPad

Last week I mentioned that I’d be comparing and contrasting the books Good Night Goon and Good Night iPad with my 1st graders and I had to write a quick post today because my little friends loved it! This was a perfect “the day before Halloween” activity, but could easily be done anytime. 
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I used my Compare & Contrast poster to model again what it means to compare and contrast.  Then I told my little friends to pay close attention to the stories for similarities and differences and read them both the stories right in a row.  Before completing the Compare & Contrast graphic organizer, we talked about the two stories.  They did such a good job retelling the stories to me and they all quickly came up with similarities and differences.  I had them complete the “same” category first because I think it’s easier for them to establish similarities with books like these that obviously go together. 
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I use traditional looking venn diagrams in my classroom too, but I generally switch back and forth between the traditional venn diagram and this version because sometimes I find it easier for my students to write in the format above/below.  They still get the same overall concept of comparing and contrasting just in a slightly different format.  I always like to add a little variety to what we do on a regular basis! (You can check out more about this pack here.)

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I was super impressed with one of my little 1st grade friends who came up with a similarity of ‘they both rhyme.’ This was huge to me because that meant he was really paying attention to the patterns of the text- Woohoo! 🙂

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After we were done with the graphic organizers, I took a vote to see which book they liked better and it was pretty much an even split, which surprised me. I thought for sure they’d like all the tech gadgets being mentioned more, but I’m thinking since Halloween is tomorrow Good Night Goon got them even more excited for trick or treating! 🙂 Oh and not one student mentioned that these books are just like Good Night Moon…so I’m thinking I need to pull that one out too and see if anyone makes the connection seeing that is the original!

Have a great day!


Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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