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Mentor Text: Teaching Adjectives!

Oh how I love to talk about children’s books! Linking up with Collaboration Cuties today for their awesome Sunday Mentor Text Party!
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The book I chose for today is a very quick read that you can use for a whole lot of activities! The book is: I Love Bugs by Emma Dodd.  She has a few different stories that follow a similar pattern–but this is currently the only one I own and I love it!
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The book is perfect for teaching adjectives. The story goes through and describes all the different types of bugs you can love.  The author uses a large variety of adjectives to describe all the different types of bugs. The pictures are very colorful and since it is such a quick-read you can do lots of “stop and think” activities to get your little friends involved in the story!
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Just an example of some of the adjectives used in this story…striped, spiky, crawly, furry, spotty…and the list could go on and on! So, since there are so many fun adjectives to use with this story, here are a few activities that are great to do with this book:
1. Together with your class you can make a list of all the adjectives used in the story. I do this as a “stop and think” activity so my little friends give me a thumbs up each time they hear an adjective and then at the end of each page or every few pages, we stop and go over any adjectives we heard and make a list on the board.
2. Making Connections: Using that list, have each little friend choose an adjective and draw a picture of that type of bug. In addition, they can draw their own connection. For example, write the adjective- striped, draw a striped bug and then draw a tiger (or something else with stripes) for their connection. 
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3. My Bug Book- choose a few different adjectives from the book and draw a bug to match each describing word. Your students can then label each bug with an adjective to describe it and use the adjective in a sentence. 
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You can grab these freebies here to complete these activities! 
Have a great day!
Picture of Aylin Claahsen

Aylin Claahsen

Providing resources and support to engage all readers.

10 Responses

  1. This looks like a great book to add to the collection! I am always open to more books that highlight adjectives. :0) Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  2. Well isn't this a precious book!!! We can't wait to find this one and the freebies will be great. Thank you so much! With common core there is such an emphasis on these types of skills. We love this change but it's been hard fitting it in and a text / activity like this will be perfect!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

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Hi, I'm Aylin!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m a certified reading specialist who loves talking all things literacy. I have a huge passion for providing resources and support to engage all readers!


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